• RHL Hockey Sim

Why I hate you, yes YOU!


Why I hate every RHL GM. (We roast the ones we love right!?)

VideoJ- You're the worst human being I've ever met.

Youknowwho- GM of Arizona, no, I do not know who you are, and I don’t care to find out. Stupid 2nd round of the playoffs really screwed up our relationship. (Wait, is it PJ?)

Stuci- You are a fan of the Bruins and have the Bruins in the RHL. Not fair.

Stu- Because up until now I was reading your name as Stuster, rhyming with duster. Only now did I see your GM name is Stu and it’s like Stu-ster. So I feel like an idiot.

Boud- Every trade I’ve ever received, I have hated.

Smartty- Now Stu has me wondering if your name is Ty. Smart Ty. Or Smart Thank You. Or Smarty spelled as Homer Simpson would.

Nicky- Has he been here? Is he the same Nicky from the old RHL? I don’t even know…

Blix- He hasn’t posted enough videos of him playing with balls…

MixtureBill- He gets grumpy too easily. However, I guess it’s expected when he has 30 idiots to control.

CJO- He hasn’t invited me to do some backyard wrestling. But more accurately, he allowed RBK to meet up before meeting up with me.

Macmang- Still relevant?

Oilcountry- He got more drunk than I did at the RHL meetup. That angers me.

PKayne- He won back to back AHL championships. Envy fuels most of my hate in general.

Notor- He angers RBK more than I anger RBK. Again, that’s not supposed to happen.

Souche- I wanted our series to go seven games. You couldn’t even do that right!

Doddridge- Too early to tell, however, the manager of the Montreal Canadiens is a prime target for hate from a Boston Bruins fan.

Robertus- Every single thing this guy says is grammatically incorrect. Or spelt wrong. Or of a poor opinion.

MatsLP- Won the stanley cup. Nuff said.

Newstarrising- Traded away the asset he tried to trade me in the CCHL. When the trade got rearranged, he then traded that asset elsewhere.

Pacman- I brought him into this league to a garbage team and he went further in the playoffs than me. He is also more well-liked than I.

Noddan- I apologize, I don’t think I have a reason for the hate.

Jeremy (Big Newff?)- Mostly I hate the way that I don’t hate you. Not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

Radapex- He does not grace us with his presence, nor pertinent remarks often enough.

Brrr- He was inducted into a more important role than I in this league, within a very short time. Probably with good reason, but idgaf!

Lord Stanley- You own a brewery, and I do not. That’s reason enough damnit!

Rsyzygy- I cannot spell, speak, nor remember his name. Plus he tricked me into thinking he’s from Toronto for several months, without even meaning to.

TruckNow- Aka Jperon Aka doesn’t respond to messages about trades Aka didn’t know he was still active. Or should I say, inactive.

LedTasso- This F***** kept me out of his "Thanks" article! So I'm keeping him out of mine! (Ironing is delicious)

Patrick Johnson- You only just got here, but you have Tony Deangelo, so you’re guilty by association.

Cohen- This guy just constantly irks me. I think it’s because I love Guy Fieri. But Guy Fieri reminds me of a guy that I hate. So I’m very conflicted and confused.

Karp- Magic Karp is a piss off of a pokemon.

RBK- Power trips. Ban button Gifs. Constant Poop emoticons. Disagrees with everything I say about the Bruins. Terrible goalie. Least important council member. God I F****** love this guy. I mean, oops…



Best article of the year, I’ll take you on in the squared circle! Those are indeed PJ and Nicky from the old league

Why I hate you, yes YOU!
Why I hate every RHL GM. Except LedTasso.

• 2 teams Like this  2 years
Videoj J-Roc Baby... All day Baby
2 years  0 teams Like this

Why do you hate yourself though?

Why I hate you, yes YOU!
Why I hate every RHL GM. Except LedTasso.

• 2 teams Like this  2 years

Don't worry, I've had friends who know me in real life think I was from Toronto for several months.

Why I hate you, yes YOU!
Why I hate every RHL GM. Except LedTasso.

• 2 teams Like this  2 years

Love it!!!

Why I hate you, yes YOU!
Why I hate every RHL GM. Except LedTasso.

• 2 teams Like this  2 years