• RHL Hockey Sim

Smells Like Community Spirit


What better way to say thank you for an award that honours my article writing than to, well, write another article. 

It has been just slightly over a year since I stumbled across a post on Reddit that was looking for new team owners. Without knowing much about it, and a broken Xbox and lifelong love for fantasy hockey, this seemed like an interesting endeavour so I decided to jump in. 

The year that followed was a whirlwind of activity. Trades, entry draft, free agency, my highly unsuccessful regular season, and of course the obvious highlight of having the inaugural Willie O'Ree Community Hero Award bestowed upon me. 

Not being a participant in the playoffs was a bitter pill to swallow, although I shouldn't have been surprised, Those that followed along would remember that when it came to the planned "rebuild" there were more will they or won't they moments than a poorly written rom-com. Alas, the diabolical Simon T tricked me like some sort of simulated Rumplestiltskin. 

However, it gave me the idea to write nightly recaps. Mostly to keep myself entertained and have a reason to keep following the action in the playoffs, but as it turned out a few of you enjoyed it as well. And in turn, I enjoy reading all of the other articles as well so keep 'em coming!

So, 50 some odd articles, 16 draft picks, 29 trades, 88 line uploads and just over a year later here we are. The playoffs are nearly over, the Seattle Kraken are nearly here and so is the usual flurry of offseason activity. Can't wait to see what next season has in store.